Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fav Foto Fri (a day late)

It has been a crazy week!
Between one thing or another we did not close on Wednesday! We were rescheduled for Friday but our mortgage company could not get it done fast enough so we are now scheduled for Monday afternoon. When we found out Thursday we were not closing on Friday we asked the builder if they would let us move in Friday if we signed an agreement. And yah! they said yes!! So we picked up a 26' rental truck and had our movers load up on Thursday and we drove it over to the new house on Friday morning. We then had to head back to my mom's place to load both Dan's truck and my minivan full then head to the title company, the builders office and then the house. The poor kids had been in the car for over 2 1/2 hours!
The dogs just did not understand what was going on, but were just so happy that they were going in the car with us!
The movers were busy all day so we unloaded half the truck on and off during the day and they finished up when they got here at 5:30. It took them 1 1/2 hours to finish unloading the truck and Danny was there every step of the way! He worked his butte off :) The picture above shows him inside the big truck helping :)
I asked for credit for providing extra help and they just laughed...
The hot tub was delivered Friday am, but we did not set it up till Saturday am.
I can't tell you how tired we were last night! Dan & I had munchies at 9:00 and were asleep at 9:30. The dogs are loving the fenced in back yard and still spend all their time sniffing everything.
We had to head back to mom's this am to get more stuff, but could not get it all :(
So we will be heading back on Monday to clean and pick up the last of our stuff.
We set up the hot tub today and were able to swim in it this afternoon, the water was only 84 so we were chilled :)
There are so many boxes everywhere it is exhausting just looking at them.
One room at a time, that is my motto!
The best part is I got an email Friday from one of the camps I had looked into for Danny and they said to bring him in on Monday, they could not wait to see him and it is only a couple of miles up the road!!


Diana said...

You've been a busy girl! Enjoy your new home!

Don and Be said...

Yess!!! New digs!!!

Sally-Girl! said...

One room at a time is a great motto! Can't wait to see pictures once you are settled in!

Natalie C. said...


Unknown said...

Congrats on the house! Good luck unpacking.

Sarah said...

WOw!! You have been BUSY! New house, new car, new city... my head is spinning just reading it all! Hope you are getting settled in to your new home!!

Alleen said...

I'm tired just reading about it!! Can't wait to see pics of the new house once you're settled in.