The tent is all set up!
Playing volleyball
Playing tug of war
Getting their safety instructions before getting to shoot the BB gun
Danny was so excited, he didn't want daddy to tell him how to sight it. Typical boy he just wanted to shoot :) He did not hit the target at all :)
Doing arts and crafts
All lined up for the big nature walk
Playing kickball
If you look closely you can see Danny's arrow in the upper left edge of the middle target. He was SO excited!!
One of their hikes :)
Eating BBQ Saturday night
Saturday night was the big bonfire with all the packs. Some of the adults and kids put on skits and sang :) they also got to make S'mores :)
After the bonfire they did a spookeree in the dark through the woods. No lights were allowed. Danny was too scared so he and Dan headed back to the tent to hang out. It was pretty chilly, in the 60's. Dan said several kids didn't do it either.
The campfire ring in their pack's campsite. They hung around here each night.
Packing everything up :(
They had so much fun! Danny was so tired he fell asleep on the way home :)
Dan was SO impressed with how good Danny did. There were NO meltdowns at all. He listened really well and tried just about everything. They kept the kids very busy
I had changed the sheets on his bed and he was so happy to climb in after his tub :)
He told me his bed was so comfortable, then said he loved me and I think he was asleep before I hit the stairs :)
1 comment:
Looks like I've got some catching up to do. Been using FaceBook a lot and don't get out in Blogland that often these days. The Empress is omnipresent.
The kids are looking wonderful and hoping that all is well with the surgery a few months back. You must be enjoying the break in the weather recently. I'm going to Lake Louisa State Park and just kick back on a hike while Joanna Mei is in pre-school later today. Our current situation keeps us close to home, but when we get to North Florida, we'll be looking y'all up - same for you if you come to Otown.
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