I was cooking in the kitchen and turned around to see Danny give Victoria the yogurt cup and spoon and say "eat" and she did!!
I can do it all Myself!!!
It is just amazing how fast time goes by :)
We have been so busy getting ourselves unpacked, hanging a few pictures, settling in.
We found a dog groomer and had the dogs shaved on Friday, you can not believe how much their hair showed up on the dark hard wood floors! I thought tile was a pain to keep clean, boy wood floors are worse. Afer dropping the dogs at the groomers I saw a couple of medical/office buildings and had a brain flash, turns out my new doctor and the kids' pediatrician are in the same complex! So I ran over and filled out all the paperwork to get things started, request records and set new appts. I then had to reward myself with a pedicure :) :)
We are trying to decide whether to put Danny in public or private school. On Thursday I went to the Elementary school he is to go to and just did not get a warm and fuzzy at all. Maybe it was the summer staff? They do not have any special Kindegarten's, so he would be mainstreamed right away. The ESE staff does not come back to the school till August so we would not have a meeting till then.
The camp he is going to is at a private school and he is just loving it there. They have a pond, pool, HUGE playground, etc. We are meeting the kindegarten teacher this am to do a walk thru and see the place to see if that helps us decide. Her class will have 10 kids, and never more than 12. Public school will have anywhere from 18-22 kids in the class. Tough choice.
Miss Victoria is a totally different story! She is showing "2" signs before her time :) She says No alot, mine alot and is learning how to throw a tantrum :(
She is learning her abc's and 123's already :) She LOVES DORA!
She has been waking up at night in full scream! Nothing calms her down unless she is in our bed between both of us, able to touch us both.
She has not been eating the best either, usually she is easy but not lately. I just try to ignore it and she will eat a bit and then just gets too interested in everything else.
I think it is separation anxiety, her age (21 mos) is prime for it, plus the two moves, plus a new room and a new house with new furniture. She also had Danny home for the last month and now he is going to camp during the day. She has been fighting going to sleep at night, she will be wide awake and playing till 9:30! This is the same child that would be sound asleep at 8:00 every night!!! I just hope it passes, it is exhausting!!
But during the day she is blossoming! She is singing and dancing, talking up a storm, exploring everything. I wonder if maybe she just has trouble shutting off at night when she should be going to bed??
Anyone else have these problems?? Any suggestions?
Victoria sounds just like Callie. She started the "2" things a couple of months ago. The bed thing is killing me! Some nights lately it has been 11pm! Murray and I feel defeated many nights. Glad to hear you all are settling into your new home! Kim Long
I'd give it a little while with Victoria. It's likely a lot of stress and change. Could be nightmares/night terrors, though. I know you can give melatonin to kids as young as she is, though. That may help some.
I hope you can find the right solution for Danny.
As for Victoria... yeah, it sounds like she is going through adjustments along with normal stuff for her age. Gabriella went through a period where she went from eating anything to very, very picky. It lasted a couple of months and then she was back to eating stuf again.
not sure on the sleep stuff. We've been LUCKY on that front. But, it may be the new environment is still scary for her.
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