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Friday, May 8, 2009

End of year presentation

Thursday night was Danny's school's year end presentation. He only has two more weeks of school :( :(

Victoria all dressed up, she is looking so big :( Danny running ahead of us to get to his class :) Victoria really enjoyed staying still at the church while the kids sang :) Danny's class singing a praise song :) :) Danny's class lined up after tuning their violins. One of his classmates lost his first tooth while they were waiting and everyone had to help find it :) All the kids lined up and playing their songs: Victoria had enough and was playing in the lobby :)

I now really, really appreciate my parents going to my orchestra recitals for years when I was a kid :) :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Nancy, Dan and kids, It has been too long. I miss you all. It was nice to read your blog and catch up and see how much the kids are growing. Nancy I'm praying all goes well with your health. Looks like you guys are loving life up there. Will talk to you soon.
Love ya,

Sally-Girl! said...

Kids are as cute as ever! I can't believe Danny is ready to finish school already. He looks so grown up!!!