The movers start packing all our crap! It only took them 2 1/2 hours and they packed it FULL! Best $200 we have spent :)
Note Dan left for the new owners!!
Dan walking toward his 24' truck. Danny was already in it and the truck was fully loaded! The hired guys from were great! Dan said Danny did great!! He was so excited about being in the big truck. Our realtor got him a travel pack and he drew and colored the whole way.
Yes, that would be the second rental truck that we had to run out and rent at 4:00 yesterday afternoon when we realized our stuff would never fit in the big truck. We were supposed to get a 10' but the rental place did not have any and gave us a 16' for the same price, which was amazingly lucky since it is FULL! Dan & I were loading it this am at 6:00 and finished at 8:30, just in time for the walk through with the buyers:) Thank heavens my mom was here to help as she ended up driving it, with her sidekick Ginger!
This would be the convoy! Me up front in the pick up, Dan next, then mom. We stopped at McD's for a quick lunch and a fuel stop!
Here is Victoria and Maggie sound asleep! They both did GREAT! Victoria only whined when she was past tired and did not nap till 3:30! But luckily I had the DVD player so she watched Elmo, Dora and Teletubbies.
All in all a very tiring couple of days! We luckily presigned yesterday so we were able to take off as soon as the walk through was done this am. The buyers are just so excited about the house, it really makes us feel good.
We left the house at 10:00 and reached my mom's place in Jacksonville at 5:30!!
Unfortunately we have to unload tomorrow into the storage unit! Thank heavens they had already upgraded us to a 30' unit before we had any idea that we would actually need it :( The movers up here are about 1/2 the price and I already told them it will probably be about 3-4 hours.
Here it is 8:00 pm and the kids just finished their tubbies and getting ready for bed! Mom, Dad and Nana will be having a big glass of wine and a very big motrin!
I didn't even have time to be upset about leaving the house, I just wanted to get on the road.
Onto the next big adventure!!
Dan is making a run over to the boat tomorrow to check on it, hug it and give it a kiss :)