Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Been busy :)

We have settled in at my mom's and she will be here for another week before she heads up north. The kids are loving having nana around, but she is tired :) :)
In the past couple of days Dan & I have been through about 20 houses that we had been interested in, with 2 different realtors. We have narrowed it down to the following houses. Brick vs stucco vs siding, brand new vs 10 years old, 4 bedroom vs 5 bedroom, 2 car garage vs 3 car garage, 1 acre vs 2 acres, wasted spaces of living and dining rooms, plant shelves - NO, the list just goes on.
We are setting up some second looks this next week. We really want some space around us but don't want to break the bank. Some of the places we have seen we just knew the minute we walked in that we had NO interest at all. I can't believe how some people just don't clean up for a showing! Once we narrow it down some more I will call the schools and see what they offer for Danny.

We are all very tired :)


david santos said...

Nice, nice and very nice Baby!
Happy week

Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad you won't have to snow plow any of those LOOOONNNGGGG driveways?!?!?

They all look nice. But go for as much house, land and garage as you can get for money. You'll never has this opportunity again at these prices.

Anonymous said...

Geez, am I tired or what?!?! You'll never HAVE this...

Oh what the heck, who cares anyway.

Natalie C. said...

Each home is so gorgeous...Hey check out my blog....

Alleen said...

Nice options! I love the way the 2nd one looks. I've always loved that style.

Sally-Girl! said...

This is like watching our own real live house hunters...will they pick house number one, two or three???? We will be checking in to see which one you pick!!!

Diana said...

You've got a lot more options than we ever did! Looks like you can't really go wrong with any of them! Happy house hunting...and then moving again!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kiddo,

You'll KNOW the house when you see it. It may be hard to wait for the right one, but if you don't have to rush into something, than take your time. Hopefully you will be committed to your next house long term. Would hate for you to feel stuck somewhere.

Happy hunting.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Miss you all so much. Hugs and kisses.


Krista said...

Hope you find the right house and get settled soon. ;)

Sarah said...

House hunting is my favorite thing to do! I hope you walk into one of those (many look awesome from the outside) and just know that you are home!

Don and Be said...

I'm getting tired looking at the pics of y'all being tired.

Unknown said...

Hi--they are all really nice! Moving is so stressful. I hope you find one that you both just know right away is "home". I'm working on trying to get to Guatoberfest!

The kiddos are cute as always!
