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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

To one of the most influential men in my life! We have been together for 22 years! and married 18 years! We have been through alot together and have lived in 3 different homes, 2 condos and 1 sailboat! We have such a blessed life! I love you the whole marble!! Happy Father's Day!

To the other most influential man in my life! My Dad! We have known each other for a little over 40 years :) You have always been there for me and I know how proud you are of me! I love you!

Today we ordered our bedroom set at Jax Naval Air Station! The price is great and there is no sales tax. Unfortunately the lead time is 6-12 weeks! So once we know our move in date we will buy our mattresses and sleep on them :) The special orders usually come in after a month though. Danny offered his bunk beds in the meantime :)

The kids and I took Dan shopping, bought him a weed wacker attachment and then to a seafood dinner, his favorite! The kids have such a great dad! He loves to make them laugh, burp and fart :) :) I love to see him loving on the kiddos.
Happy Father's Day :)


Natalie C. said...

Happy Fathers Day Dan!

Anonymous said...

Love the hot tub. That would be my favorite spot. And just curious...if you and Dan sleep in Danny's new bunk bed...WHO GETS THE TOP?!?!?! Hee Hee -- couldn't resist that one. : )

Alleen said...

ah, things only a dad can teach,huh???