I met with my podiatrist today and he took off the dressing and put a new one on - man the incision is huge! I have 7 stitches! Victoria took one look at it and said "eeeewwwww". I have a picture but wasn't sure if anyone wanted to see it :)
I posted it at the end of this post :)
Now the big prayer request!!
I really debated about putting this out there, but I know it is mostly friends and family that read our blog and really would appreciate any prayers for myself and our family.
Some of you know that I am a breast cancer survivor. It has been 6 years since my diagnosis. I had no family history, was only 38 at the time, and was completely blown away by it. I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I manage to put it out of my mind except when it comes time to see my doctors again. With our move to NE FL I had to get a new oncologist. He noticed my foot brace and asked about it. I told him about my upcoming surgery and that I also had a groin pull that just did not want to heal and it had been getting worse this year. Sometimes I feel like my right leg goes out on me. He asked me to show him where the pain is, which I did, he then told me that it was more likely hip pain. He asked when I last had any scans and I answered 6 years ago when I was diagnosed! He just about flipped. My tumor was a triple negative which means that 3 out of 5 characteristics of it were bad ones. So he immediately sent me for bloodwork, PET scan and a total body scan. The positive is that it has been so long since diagnosis.
We meet with him tomorrow to get the results.
When we went through this 6 years ago our lives were so very different. We were both working full time and the only ones dependent on us were our 2 dogs.
I just can not think about what all this means with 2 little ones. I put it out of my mind most of the time and just keep myself busy, but night time is so hard. Dan & I have been snippy with each other because of the stress. It was bad enough going through this the last time, but OMG doing it again when you KNOW what to expect is so much different.
We are hoping to hear it is just really bad arthritis as that is one of the side effects of 2 of the chemo drugs I was given. And arthritis is something that I DO have family history of :)
So if you have a minute or two please send a prayer our way, whichever way it turns out we will deal with it :)
I promise to let you all know as soon as I can :)
Just got back from my appt. the dr is pretty sure there is nothing cancerous going on. PTL!! I am being sent for an MRI of my spine. It looks like my issues are spine related. I have degenerative discs, bulging discs and severe spine stenosis. Once those results are in I will have to see another specialist to see what our options are!! Thanks for all the prayers!!
If you are squeamish, close your eyes :) No wonder why it hurts so darn much!

My scar was prettier :-)
Big prayers headed your way, sister! Take a deep breath, eat some chocolate, cry a river, and breath some more. May your heart find peace in there somewhere.
Heavenly Father, I just ask that you give Nancy peace of mind and knowledge that you have great plans for her. You have healed her once before and if need be You will be with her to heal her again. You are an awesome and amazing God!
Be has quite a testimony being a survivor of breast cancer. you girls should talk.
We will remember you in our prayers tonight.
Yikes! That's a wicked looking scar. Have a few myself.
Blessings to you and your tribe,
Nancy... keeping you in my prayers for more good news tomorrow! That is one wicked looking scar! I can only imagine how much it hurts!
Ok - yeah - I shouldn't have looked at the picture. ;) There is a reason God didn't call me to be a nurse!!
Prayers coming your way!!!
I am so glad they don't think it's anything cancerous going on. But, it's pretty bad when spinal issues sound good,huh? Hoping for some answers and healing for you.
i am so behind...i had no idea...i am so glad to hear that they dont think its cancer...ok now i have to find out what happened to your foot
THANK GOD!!! I knew you could "limp" your way through the heel surgery, but was REALLY worried about the new cancer tests. I'll start firming up my train trip for October or November. WOOHOO! Party time!
And great news about the little princess too!
Wow, I just read this and am praising the Lord bigtime! I've been so behind on catching up on my blogs. Hoping that your spine MRI is also negative and that it turns out to be arthritis, which is still not good but much better than any of the other scenarios.
Hugs and kisses...
PS LOVE the video of Victoria in the dryer. She has a killer smile!
Just catching up and WOW! So glad V is ok. Sorry about your medical stuff, but it sounds like you are getting some better news on that front as well. Take care of yourself!
Yuck! What a scar! You are amazing to be even walking!
Praises for your healing!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
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