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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Roller Coaster continues!

Sorry I have not updated it has been so crazy here.
We appreciate everyone's prayers and well wishers so very much.
Dan was only home a couple of days when we had to take him back in as he had a fever and chills and the Dr was worried since he has a cath in his neck. He was supposed to go for outpatient dialysis but the dialysis center had issues with our insurance. The dr was planning on admitting him so he could have dialysis, but then Dan came down with the fever and we had to go to the ER last Tuesday :(
We waited till the kids were going to bed and my dad came up to watch them. 
We thought we were just going in to get admitted, but it turned into a very long night.
The paperwork was not done,  the ER was busy and there were no rooms available.
We got there at 8:30 and did not see a Dr till 1:00am :(
Dan's kidney Dr was on call and in the hospital, but they would not call her till the ER Dr saw him.
I couldn't leave till I knew he was being admitted, which was at 1:30 am. Poor dad! I felt so bad, he is not used to pulling such late nights!
They were so backed up at the hospital that Dan did not get a room till Wednesday afternoon at 3 pm! poor guy was exhausted! Big down!

visiting in his new room :)
The amazing thing was that none of his cultures grew anything! Big Up!
The night after Dan had his fever Victoria had it, so we think it was just something from the kids!
His kidney numbers were coming down so it turns out he needs no dialysis! Big Up!
(and a really good thing he was NOT able to do outpatient dialysis)
no one makes any decisions on removing the darn cath till Friday am when Dan jumps on his dr! big down!

Friday was a snow day!! Big Up!
we were only supposed to get a couple of inches!!
(yes that is gerri outside without her walker!!)

I LOVE this picture of them :)

We played lots!!!
 Friday-all day was spent waiting on word when Dan was going to surgery to have his cath removed so he could come home!! Big down!
finally at 5:00 pm he called to say they were taking him down!! big up!
we went to the hospital to try to push things along and it turns out he was already done and ready to go back to his room for discharge! big up!
Let's go!!!!

The way it should be!!!

Saturday was spent snow blowing the rest of the snow in the yard. Dan started it for me and I did the whole driveway. I purposely went around in circles and made designs in the snow just to drive him crazy :) Big Up!

we stayed close to home all weekend and Dan seems to be feeling so much better! big up!
Monday am, back to school, back to work, Dan goes for bloodwork. big up!
Monday night his kidney dr calls to say his number has gone up quite a bit! big down!
After talking a couple of minutes the dr thinks the issue is his blood sugars which are high. they had taken him off his diabetes medication because it affects the kidneys, but had not put him on any other meds. the dr then explained how the high blood sugars dry out the kidneys and they don't work as well! man!
both of us were devastated :( the dr calls in some scripts and he runs out to fill them.
She actually called back about 9 pm to make sure he was able to get them filled.
This am he had to go back to get more blood drawn and we were on pins and needles waiting for results knowing that this could mean going back for another cath and more dialysis.
Hubby called me at work at 11;30 to tell me that his number went DOWN! more than it has in the last 3 weeks! it is the lowest it has been since this whole roller coaster started!! ptl!
it still has a long way to go, but we will take it!!
thank you all!
I promise to try to stay more current on our updates!
Gerri and I head to Philly Thursday for a Friday am appt. We were supposed to go last week but put it off.
She is finally walking and feeling better!  We have all been drained by all this craziness and really hope we are on the down side!!
thank you all!! hugs!! :)


Glenna said...

Nancy, you and Dan truly have been on a roller coaster! We wish you all the very best and hope Dan is on his way to a speedy recovery! You are an amazing woman and surely will reap the rewards of your unstoppable ability to manage so much! Be well, all of you! Hugs from Gerry and Glenna

Mary Ellen said...

Sending hugs and prayers for you, Dan, Danny, Gerri and Victoria. Glad to see the kids playing in the snow and Gerri without her walker. Praying for some uneventful, ordinary time for the Thornell Family. <3