Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Another Trip!!

Danny not wanting his picture taken!

Boats are cool - there are all sorts of neat toys here! (Yes she is standing up on the seat)

Sunset over the Caloosahatchee Bridge

You would think we would learn our lesson wouldn't you?? :)
The mechanic called the house this morning to say the pump was in and he was sending a guy out around lunchtime. Within an hour we had all showered, dressed and packed and were on our way to the boat!
We got there just in time for Victoria to eat and go down for her nap.
While she napped Danny & I ran up to Publix to get food and was back within 30 minutes.
During this time Maggie, the escape artist, managed to get herself off the boat twice! The first time she just ran around the parking lot, but the second time she ran out the parking lot and crossed SR31 several times. All we could do is watch as the cars whizzed by! There were some prisoners doing roadside cleanup and she checked them out. Dan jumped in his truck and drove over to where she was, opened the door and the pain in the a** jumped right in his truck and promptly sat down to rest! I could have killed her! We don't know what we are going to do to her if she keeps this up it is just a matter of time before she gets hit :(
The mechanic showed up just as we finished up lunch and it took him about an hour to get the new pump put into the generator. We started it up and it is working great! He then headed over to the port engine to see what he could find out. Within 10 minutes he found the wires that connect the neutral safety switch to the engine was corroded and that was why the engine wouldn't start!! He cleaned the connection, replaced the caps and oila' the engine started right up!! We think it was connected to the shaft seals leaking and spewing salt water over the engine for god knows how long.
By now it had started raining, but that did not stop us from heading away from the marina and down the river. :)
We decided to anchor just off the fort myers city marina, there is an island for the dogs to run on. There are docks off the island but nothing else there.
By the time we put the anchor out and got ourselves organized Victoria was up from her afternoon nap and we all sat in the cockpit and chilled out!
Dan made the cardinal mistake of turning off both engines and then just for the heck of it start the port one again - you got it, it will NOT start again!!
Dan is just going to wait till tomorrow to see if the connection needs to be cleaned again, it is too hot now. ARGH!
Dinner was a lovely chicken pot pie cooked in the oven :)
Both kids are sound asleep in their beds, later than usual but it was so beautiful out!

1 comment:

Natalie C. said...

i could just eat miss victoria up...i love her hair