This is how we found Victoria Friday morning, red or white with bagels???
We headed over to the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine to spend the day Friday.
Really cool albino alligator
Big one walking right towards us :)
Victoria liked the birds much better than the gators. She kept dragging poor Grammy to see the same birds over and over.
Family photo with an extra kid :)
Komodo Dragon
One of the large alligator pens, Danny liked feeding them.
These two turtles were being "friendly" :) We told Danny they were just going for a ride :)
Trying to get the gator to jump up for a rat, but he would have nothing to do with it :) The kids thought this was so cool!
Down the hatch goes the big fat rat
This poor gator had two turtles sitting on him
Grampy Hold Me!
Having fun with grampy at the Kidzone
On our ride home from the Alligator Farm this happened:
Luckily Dan was driving when a car coming towards us lost its front tire and it came careening down the road right at us! Dan almost had to drive completely into the ditch and the tire slammed into the sliding door right next to me. We got her information and headed home thankful that it was not any worse.
Turns out her insurance was lapsed :( but luckily Dan bought some stuff at the auto store that took out 98% of it!!
On Saturday we ventured over to a ranch fundraiser. It was listed in the paper as a holiday celebration. When we got there we found out the ranch is specifically for aged/mistreated equines. They save/rescue them and take care of them. Both kids were all about the horses big time. We also had bbq for lunch, just something about a burger cooked on a grill :) The entry fee was only $5 per carload and anything spent there went 100% to the care of the horses.
Mommy - there are horses here!!!
Just so precious!!
My favorite picture of all of us taken at the horse ranch :)
Danny was loving on the horses! It is so amazing to see how his confidence is building from school that allows him to enjoy things like this.
We had been going to go to the zoo, but decided to do the ranch instead and we are so glad. We found out on Sunday that the zoo had a lockdown on Saturday because two animals got out!!
Sunday was a sit around and relax day. Dan and Danny took Grammy and Grampy to the airport and Danny was very sad. they got to the airport 1 1/2 hours before their flight only to find it was delayed 2 hours :(