The bad news - the US passport agency managed to lose her ORIGINAL Certificate of Citizenship!! It will take months and several hundred dollars to replace! ARGH!
The agency told me I could put in a request for reimbursement :(
Danny tried on a new outfit last night - what do you think!?!?!?!?

I can't believe he is so skinny he fits into an 18 pack can case!
That would be my biggest fear!! Alex still doesn't have a US passport as I don't want to get it until I change his name - and I still haven't done that!! ;)
I am laughing my a** off!
oh no about the documents, hope they are returned safely! Ours came back all good thank god! Cute outfit btw Danny!
ughhhhhhhhhhhh on the lost COC...and...LOL on the 18 pack!
I needed that laugh!
You ugys are too cool:)
Just catching up on posts.... OMGosh, That is soooo my fear about sending off original documents.
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