The kids were up late last night playing with all the other kids and it took a while to calm them for sleep, but they both slept till 7:00.
This morning we are met with everyone at 10:00 to have small group discussions. I chose the group of blended families and had a great time. Dan was nice enough to stay in the room with miss Victoria while she slept.
We then had a halloween dress up photo op. It was so cool to see these beautiful kids all dressed up!

This is the first photo, with just the kids. Ever try to get them to all sit still at the same time??

This is the second group photo!
We all met in the lobby at lunch to walk over to the CNN building where they have a humongous food court. It is just so cool to see families all over the place. Everyone is just so nice and the kids all play together so well.
There is almost always some families hanging in the lobby at the hotel and it is just so neat! We are so glad we have come :)
We ended up walking to Ted's Montana Grill for dinner with two other families.

Here is Annalisa, Victoria, Danny and Ava ready for our adventure!
The restaurant is owned by Ted Turner and serves bison. The food and company was excellent!

Here Victoria is sharing her puffs with everyone at the table.
On the way back to the hotel we walked through the park and there were all the other families.
The kids were all crawling, running and playing. It was the most amazing site I have ever seen. I took some really good pictures too :(
We headed out around 7:45 to get to the tub and bed!
As soon as I get pictures emailed to me from one of the other families I will post them I promise..
I am soooooo glad you guys came to Guatoberfest! What a joy to meet your amazing family:)Your children are beautiful! Tell Daniel I am sending a hug to him with this comment:) He was such a sweet heart!
It was a fun weekend -- wasn't it !!!!!Danny and Victoria are precious !!!
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