Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday is great!

Sunrise over Fort Myers

Little one had us up at 6:00, so we snuggled in the big bed and looked at the stars through the hatch overhead till she couldn't sit still any more. (ok about 15 minutes!)
She had a much better night last night. She did wake at 2:00 but was back asleep in 15 minutes. Dan went out to check on the anchor and just make sure we were still in the same place. He saw a boat hard aground on the other side of the channel. He could hear their voices as they talked to each other very politely!! They were gone when we got up at 6:00 so we aren't sure how long they were stuck there.
We then got our coffee and headed out on the bow to watch the sun rise again. We were really surprised to see the boats heading out to fish that had absolutely no running lights on at all. The channel is pretty narrow around here, but it does not seem to bother them at all. I just can't imagine waking up that early just to fish :)
There were two boats on Picnic Island and two tents set up. We had heard the guys all standing around a fire last night after the kids were asleep, so they did spend the night. Dan & I like to sneak up on deck once it is all quiet and just chill out before bed. I just have no desire to camp out on sand in FL, just gets too hot and too buggy.
We did not see any movement on shore yet, but knew it would not be long once we were all out on the bow talking, singing and barking :)
We wanted to start up the river before the usual weekend boat traffic came out as many just do not know the rules of the road and don't pay any attention to the channel. We pulled up anchor at 8:00 and headed out.
The sun was out and it was gorgeous out. There was a really nice breeze so it did not feel really hot. Victoria and Danny played really well in the cockpit.

She is laying on her back because she tried to climb up the steps to the cockpit and then once she got one step up she decided to sit her butte down and the step is not wide enough. The look on her face is priceless as she could not figure out what happened. Not that it stopped her one little bit!!
We arrived back at our marina about 11:00 and tied off. Dan is really good at turning us around in the marina with about 5-10 foot to spare!
We cleaned up the boat pretty good and headed on home. We had lunch and then Victoria went down for a 2 hour nap. The sky turned really dark and it rained buckets for hours! We were really happy that we had decided to head home!
We so enjoy the time we are able to have on the water as a family.

1 comment:

Natalie C. said...

i am loving the sunrise/sunset pics