Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pine Car Derby!!

Dan and Danny spent lots of time on this beauty (those are his pack #'s on the front)
First we had to sign in and have the car weighed
How cool is this electronic track?!?!? (donated to the pack!)
If you look closely Ms V is using the walker and Gerri is chasing her!!!

Chillin out waiting for the races to start after eating hot dogs!
I taped all but the first of Danny's races!!

Here are the winners in the Wolves - Danny's den!! look who is #1!!!!!

Here they are announcing the grand finale winners!! of the WHOLE PACK!! see who is #1 !!!! OMG!!

Getting the BIG trophy!!!! Big man!!

So excited about his 2 first place trophies!!!! He told me he was so proud!

The girls kept telling him he was awesome!! :)
 We got so many great comments about Gerri. The last time many of the cub scout families saw her she was in the wheelchair and today she walked in with her walker. At home the wheelchair sits by the front door for school. Most of the time the walker sits in the corner by the fish tank. She is now walking out in the back yard by herself and NO walker. She has gained SO much balance and confidence it is amazing. Danny and Victoria do not think she has any special need at all. Here is a short video from today of Gerri and Ms V playing before lunch!!

Now I have to keep telling her to slow down!!


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Danny! That's one awesome derby car you built! Also, seeing Gerri walk in this video and the video on your previous post is amazing. She's doing so well!!


Katie said...

COngratulations to Danny!! A VERY awesome car he built!

Jodi said...

Danny! That's AWESOME!!!

I'm so proud of you and I'm not even your mom! Ha ha ha.

Good job...keep up the good work in scouts and someday you'll be an Eagle Scout :) :)

Molly said...

Woohoo!!! I was wondering how his reading was going? I've learned so much since I tested him, we should chat!