Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Philly day :)

We had to get pretty before seeing Dr vB after a month off :)

Yes, it took the 2 of them and 2 bottles of color

Then Ms V got the treatment

Ms V made soup!

Helped clean the plastic tubs before filling them
 The last day of school was Thursday so we did not leave for Philly till early Friday am
Putting stickers in her journal

It just amazes me to see her feet!

They look SO normal!!

Itty bitty feet next to the Giant ones!

Thank heavens she only ways 36 pounds! He is updating her file to ask for AFO's measurements!!
He is SUCH an amazing Dr!

So we went to O&P to get molded :) Matt allowed her to put the table up

This contraption totally confused us! Just watch!

Special wrap that hardens

Then molded till it hardens

Then cut along the hard rubber!! Ingenious!

Then put back together :)

Other foot done while she picks her pattern, this was by far the hardest part!! :)

On the way to the airport - totally exhausted! (and drooling!)

This is how we went through the airport, I pulled by the handle and we booked right along :)
You can tell by her face how tired she is.
While we were in Philly Dan had both kids and septic inspection and home inspection. The septic inspection was a surprise since no one knew it was today and the inspector was NOT happy to see the pods in the driveway, but he got around them and did his job. Dan was a bit stressed, which makes the kids stressed, which made for a not very pretty picture :(
But it is over and nothing major was found, just some cosmetic stuff.
Now we are just waiting on the appraisal and we are good to go.
We found a summer rental in Gloucestor. We could not believe how hard it was to find something. Hard to believe no one wants to rent to a family with 2 dogs and 3 kids for 2 months :) :) It is going to be expensive, but there is no getting around it.

Danny has cub scout camp this next week, thank heavens! He needs to be busy and away from all the commotion at home. He does not do well with change and all this going on is hard on him.

The 20th Gerri and I fly to Philly for her surgery the 21st. It is supposed to be quick and simple :) We talked a bit about it with her on Friday and she seems ok. She is just happy that she will be asleep for the casts coming off and being put back on :) :) At least her knees don't hurt anymore, now just her ankles are sore from walking so much. But Dr vB was SO happy to see her walking!!
So it is crazy here :) as always :)

1 comment:

Tracey S. said...

Her feet looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 the picture of Dr. van Bosse holding her!