Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Do you remember these :)

Victoria made these "sewing" things at school.
She and Gerri had SO much fun with them, great way to work on motor skills :)

They were both so intent

Our happy AWANA cubbie  :)

Now that Gerri's casts are a bit straighter she is doing much more of this!!

She is SO excited to be upright :)
She keeps saying look I am bigger!!

Anyone else as shocked as I am that it is OCTOBER!!!!!


Jodi said...

Totally shocked!

And depressed too.

Where did the summer go?

Now we hibernate.

Oh wait! You live in FLORIDA!!!

What's YOUR problem?!?!?!

Hmp. :)

Mel said...

LOL Jodi!! I was thinking that about hibernating too but I'm heading to EE instead!! hehe Nancy, I am AMAZED at Gerri's progress!! She is so dang adorable!!

Alyson and Ford said...

Time flies when you have little kids! I can't believe "pool" time is over too. Still ove the weather now that it is not so hot. Catching up on your news, I seem to spend less time at the computer.

Alyzabeth's Mommy