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Thursday, May 6, 2010

To Anonymous

I had a comment asking why the kids were always naked?

My first response was to think it was meant mean, but then I thought about it and maybe it was just a question. Since I have never posted pictures of our kids naked I assume that meant in their underwear or bathing suits bottoms.

As we live in Florida it is usually HOT! We also usually go in the hot tub every day for exercise and swimming.

Victoria is 3 and is going through a phase where she likes to be naked so we let her go around in her undies.  She is also running a fever and is hot right now. She also likes to change her clothes several times a day :)

Gerri sees Victoria in her undies and wants to do it too. She is not used to the heat yet or the bug bites. We also want her to have as much freedom of movement as possible. She has been bundled up in layers for so long we want her to feel her "freedom".

Danny has sensory issues and usually likes to keep his shirt on :)

We usually take off their shirts for dinner, especially their WHITE school shirts. And especially if we are having spaghetti sauce like last night :)

So I hope that answered the question :)


MoonDog said...

Lol I thought I was the only mom who made their kids eat without a shirt! I dont all the time but if its anything that stains or a shirt I REALLY LIKE, off they come!

Jodi said...

Oh goodness! I didn't even see that one yet.

Well, we live in MINNESOTA where it isn't even hot and my kids are naked or half naked much of the time! They are kids! When else in life except when you're a kid can you have a little innocent freedom....

Jane Michaud said...


How sad that we even have to worry about this stuff, but in this age of global internet access, there are predators and perverts lurking about that might copy the photos and repost them elsewhere. That would be my only concern, and perhaps that is where Anonymous was coming from. Then again, your blog is pretty much only known to your family and friends, so it's not like the photos are "out there".

For whatever it's worth, I think your family photos are adorable, appropriate, and safely shared among people that will view them that way.



Jo's Corner said...

I live in MN., too, but was born in Louisiana. As I recall, it is a very common thing to see little ones running around the home in their undies. Notice that I wrote "home". ALL of the pictures are taken in your home ( and the car : D) and THAT is where a child should be allowed that freedom. There is nothing obscene about the photos and your children all appear to be happy and well grounded. Someone just doesn't "get it". Keep being the wonderful parents you ARE!
Praying that Sweet Victoria feels better SOON!
Hugs to All of you ~ Jo

Missy said...

We lived in Miami when I was little and I had a brother 2 years older - he ran around in the Miami heat without a shirt, so why could I?? (I was ever the tomboy!) I remember one day my mom gently saying, "Missy, you are 5 years old now, and getting so big. Girls usually have to wear shirts, and so I think it's time you started wearing a shirt like the other little girls do." And sure enough, I didn't throw a fit, but agreed and never went topless again! LOL But in our photo albums you always see me shirtless up until I was 5. Ahh, to be young and free again!!

Jo's Corner said...

I pointed out the Louisiana part, because I think that folks "down South" tend to let their kids wear their undies around the house more than other parts of the country. ; )

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! How is Gerri's English coming along?

babyarnie said...

How funny! Don't come to my house.... the babies are always "naked". Today it was 93 and HOT!!! So, off came the clothes and we made mud and played in it. Also, Laurel is so excited not to be bundled in 12 layers that she just relishes taking the shoes and then the clothes off! Ahhhh sweet summertime.

Kylie Mc said...

hi! just have to say i love ur blog! i found it thru another adoption blog. i think u are awesome. u obviously have a heart of gold and seem so organized and on top of everything.

about the clothing issue...honestly, i wondered the same thing myself, but once i realized u were in fl it all made sense. u have very good reasons, not to mention, they are ur children and it's ur house, so it's ur business. :)

i would however, be a little cautious because as another blogger mentioned above, we have to protect our children from child predators. so sad. hope ms. v feels better soon! :)