We start off with a little fun in the waiting room
then the Tech shows Gerri that the cast saw will not hurt skin
She Laughed the WHOLE time!!!
Then the tool to split the cast

She was SO amazed how they came apart!
They asked if we wanted to keep it! EEEEWWWW! NO!
Then cutting off the cotton!
Look mommy! my leg!
I just can't describe the toe smell :( A quick wipe down!
Then onto leg #2
Look my feet!!
Her feet won't be doing this much longer!!
Only 1 sore spot!
The tech used extra padding here
All the casting material for Cast #2
First the socks go on!
While the Tech puts more cotton on the Doc is stretching her foot to get it into the next position
Then the plaster casting begins
Then the PURPLE fiberglass goes on!
Yes, it was supposed to be orange, but in the hour before the appt she changed her mind :)
Ms Heather came in and the girls LOVE her!!
Finishing up leg #2
Mommy - this is SO cool!!
It has actually been a blessing that Gerri is off till Friday. She and Victoria play so well together.
Gerri goes back Friday and Victoria has orientation next Monday and starts Preschool next Tuesday.
I think it would have been so much harder for Victoria if both Gerri and Danny were gone all week.
Every day both girls ask when they are going to school :)
Cast #2 done!!!
I loved cast removal day! I loved seeing the progress even if it was itsy bitsy!!!
Oh, you should save the casts! the odor DOES go away ~ just pull out the cotton lining. Having one from each casting will really show the change in her feet! And, they will be cool to her to see as she gets older.
I fought for almost 3 years to save my left leg (ended up with below the knee amputation) and I save one of my cast. It somehow represented the "before". I stood it up and made a planter out of it! And, YES, I am crazy, but it was FUN!
Gerri is looking so healthy and happy. I'm curious ~ does she ever cry? In the picture where they are cutting off her 1st cast, she looks like she is really scared, despite the big smile on her face! It's better to let out the fear/etc. now, rather than have it come out in a unhealthy way in her teen years.
Oh, and I cried when I saw Danny in tears at the airport when he said Good-Bye to Lindsey! What a sweet , gentle spirit he has! And, I choked up again when little Miss V greeted her brother with a big hug when he got off the bus! They seem quite at ease with showing their feelings.
ALL of the are Beautiful!! Hugs ~ JO
She does look so healthy! Tan and spunky. And so happy :)
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