Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We met THE Grand Poobah!!!!

Danny had Tutoring and Neuro today, so  the girls and I took a mini road trip today :)
We got to meet the Grand Poobah of Reece's Ukrainian Adoptions - Miss Meredith!!!!!!
Here are the kids just fitting right in :)

Is there anything better than toys that you haven't see before?

Swimming in the ball pool :)

Micah was SO cute playing with the horse so he would make noise

We had to call in the big guns to get this wheelchair put together:
Michael was kind enough to stop in to help us with the adjustments.
One of those god things, Ms Meredith and I were talking one day and I mentioned that it was going to take 3 months to get Gerri a wheel chair and she said "we have one in our garage that you can use! We have been trying to get rid of it!" How amazing is that! Gerri just lit right up once she was sitting upright on our level!

The girls were SO tired they both napped the whole ride home :)

Ms Meredith - we can't thank you enough!!
Hugs for all you do for the SN kids!!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

How neat! Looks like everyone had a great time :)