Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cub Scout Campout!!

This past weekend was the first cub scout camp trip of the season.
We went Friday night to help set up

The girls helped by collecting nuts :)

We brought the wagon for Gerri to get around

The girls and I headed on home for girl time!!

Asleep in 10 minutes!

Saturday we arrived just before lunch to see our boys :)
They were very busy all morning playing games and doing full pack activities.
Dan said they were up late last night and up early :)

The girls enjoying lunch

The den activity, making posters

The den then went for a hike!

They sat around the fire ring and whittled

The girls played and played in the dirt and sand :)
Riley was kind enough to bring trowels and bucket.

A little bit dirty :)
making pies for mommy

Riley sifted dirt for hours!!

Gerri had so much fun!
The girls checking out a really big grasshopper, they tried to feed it grass

I asked Gerri to show me how dirty she was :)

Here is how they played for hours!!

Time for the girls to head home!!
We had McD's for dinner and then very long tubbies!!!
It felt SO good to be clean.
The girls were sound asleep by  8:00.
Dan and Danny got home around 9:00. Danny was SO tired he could hardly stand up.
They stayed through the fire ring activity and s'mores!!
They had quick showers and went right to bed!

Everyone slept Sunday till 8:00!!!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

What a fun time :) Are you're camping days over Nancy?

I think I would have opted for 'girl time' too :) With a bath and a big bed.