Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Got to keep on moving!

We went out to dinner last night and had a toast to our last dinner as a family of 4!
The kids were both good about going to bed early.
Very rough night and very early morning. Dan & I were both awake at 4 and we were out of the house by 5:30 am.

Luckily the kids really had no idea, they were too tired.
When we pulled up to the drop off at the airport I gave them kisses and said see you soon – love you!
Danny just said bye mommy!
Victoria turned to me and said – mommy where are you going?
I said home honey and she said – oh ok!
Hubby hugged and kissed me, told me to be safe and he loved me.
I had to turn away so the kids wouldn’t see me cry. :(
It was a long ride home, stopped and food shopped for them !
I have stripped the kids beds, washed sheets and re-made their beds.
Done 3 loads of laundry. Cleaned everything I can think of.
Picked up everything off the floors so nothing gets chewed while little doggies are bored!
Put Gerri’s car seats in both cars ! WOW!!
Just started going through my suitcase! and my carry on!
Gonna be a tough night tonight, I don’t think I will sleep tomorrow night at all!
My stomach is just doing flips! But the good news is I have now lost 10 pounds since I got the travel date :)
I can not believe the time is almost here to head out on this incredible adventure!
Thanks to everyone who has helped along the way!


Lisa said...

Thinking of you :)! My stomach is doing flip-flops, too, and we are not even traveling yet. I'm glad you will be getting Gerri soon...or else you might waste away to nothing :). Take care of yourself!

Kristin Ferguson said...

You're doing great Nancy! You've got your ducks in a row, your little ducklings off on their vacation, and now you're ready to gather another little one into your nest. Prayers being said on your behalf for safe travel!!


Jodi said...

I do believe you are Superwoman!

Sorry I keep spelling Gerri's name wrong...did you ever spell it with just one 'r'?

10 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, that's insane.

why can't that work for me??

Enjoy your quiet evening, and give it all over to God... He know's exactly how things will go. Trust and rest in the joy of anticipation! You will be with your little girl SOON :)

Sarah said...

sooooooo excited for you!!! WOOHHOOOO! You will be there before you know it! Can't wait to read your blog updates!

junglemama said...

safe travels!

Sally-Girl! said...

You are about to start another life adventure that will once again bless your life forever. I can't wait to be with you in spirit as you travel to get your new daughter!!!!

Adeye said...

So very excited for you!

Travel safely.

Mary Ellen said...

Hey Kiddo! So excited for you all. Love and prayers! Auntie M.E.

Mary Ellen said...

I'm so excited for you! Love and pryaers and blessings on your travels.