Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Friday, March 19, 2010

A quick Video and some answers

This is from yesterday, we were trying to be quiet cause there was a worker doing speech therapy in the bedroom with us. If you listen carefully you can hear her sounding out words. It was so cute to see the kids come in one at a time and sit with her in front of the mirror :)

I had Sveta doing fishy kisses, rolling her tongue and making smacking noises :)

I have had a couple of questions about why she has to lay in bed and here is the answer to the best of my knowledge :)
Sveta had hip surgery last September. A bone graft to create a hip socket in her left hip. I have seen her scar and it is huge, but has healed beautifully. From Sept to Dec she was in a hip cast. In December she traveled to Kiev and saw her surgeon who did an xray and said she was healing very well.
From December to end of January she was in another hip cast. In January she traveled again to Kiev and saw the Dr and he xrayed her and said she was doing great, but to keep her laying down till her bone graft was 100% healed. By laying down it keeps her hip in alignment with her leg.
From January till now she has been having PT every week. She was also getting stretches and "gym" while in the infirmary after every pt session. While in the groupa she does not ever leave the bedroom!
Sveta will have an xray next week (scheduled early because of the adoption) to determine if her graft is 100% healed. We HOPE and PRAY that the answer is yes! She will then be released to sitting up, which also includes a stroller and an airline seat! I have a sling that I will be carrying her in. It was made by a wonderful RR momma and will help me carry her straight, with her legs dangling.
This will be good whether she is released for sitting up or not. The big problem will be the airline and we will just work it out when the time comes. :)
I asked yesterday when the xray was going to be and the nurse did not know yet. The Dr is due back at the orphanage today so hopefully I will know today :) I asked to be able to go with her.
Gotta run and shower before breakfast.
It is a new day, the sun is shining brightly and I slept 8 hours last night :) :)


wordgardener said...

Love the journey. I am glad you slept, but the nights I can't sleep I forget you are probably around and I could have chatted with you:) Will try and remember in the future! The thursday entry for the 18th was so touching, and the videos are you know that i spend more time on your blog than I do on mine:) I received my new mp3 player in the mail yesterday so I can now download my russian lessons onto it-I did not realize that when I ordered it it was from Taiwan! Fab price but delayed delivery:) It is really nice though so I should be good to go once I charge it up. THanks for taking the time to do that for me! Off to start my day, now that I have had my morning coffee with you. Hugs, Cathy
PS The weather in SC is finally getting decent, 75 for the day, daffodils up everywhere. I thought I would be in Ukraine by now but I am being patient for I have a choice! Have a wonderful day and thanks for keeping us in the loop. I never follow blogs as I do not have time but your story has proven addictive so I lay that rule aside for yours. cath

Tami said...

Glad you got some answers!