Join us in the adventures of our family, with our Belarussian Prince, Guatemalan Princessa and Ukrainian Princesses!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Rain today :(

Here Alexander is talking to the Laundry Babushka about our clothes :)
We had to drive around back to drop it off (she needed to smoke)
Between the other family and I we had 4 bags of laundry - total cost 100 hua or $12

Pretty girl waiting for her mama and her yoghurt!!
I did feel bad because she had been in the groupa room and they moved her back to the bedroom for me. I told them it was ok but they said no, better for me :(
Maybe it is too distruptive for the other kids or they think we need to be alone.

Her favorite pose!!!
Oh mama, I love it!!
I thought I was sneaking a picture of speech therapy :) but she is looking right at me :)
Having a great time with her hair bands and bracelets
The nurse was working on lots of papers today. Each child has a packet inside a plastic envelope. I don't know if she updates weekly or monthly? I wasn't here last Tuesday. But she was very intent and was asking the workers questions constantly.
Silly girl :)
I had to go to the bank next door to the hotel :)
The current exchange rate is 7.95 hua to $1

Here is a list the nurse gave to me at my visit. I had no idea what it was for. Marina called me just as I was leaving to say it was medicine for Svetlana. I told her she seemed better and they had been giving her nasal spray. Marina said the dr wanted her healthy fast and the orphanage medicine is slow and they want fast medicine and could I please pick it up? :)
I walked to the pharmacy (remember green cross)
 and bought her medicine for 128 hua, about $16

When I talked to Marina this am I asked if we had the adoption center approval for court and we do!!
There is an interpol issue we could use some prayers on please!
Now we pray for the court committee meeting on Wednesday so we can have court on Thursday!!!!!

Dan and the kids had a playdate on Friday and the other mom is a blogger!!!! woo hoo!!
Here are the kids having so much fun!! Oh man I miss them so much!


Jane Michaud said...

Loving the posts and praying for a fast resolution to everything so you and your princess can come home! HUGS!!!

Christy said...

Praying for your process! Glad you are enjoying your time there!

Cindy said...

Now those pics of D & V are just priceless!!! There's no doubt they were having a ball - what a great friend to post all of that for you!! It won't be long now! You're definitely on the downside of this thing - hang in there!

Jodi said...

Was Miss V playing in her jammies?
Being that cute, you can get away with it :)
I was showing her pictures to my mom the other day, she just couldn't get over the HAIR! Lucky girl.

I seriously have my fingers crossed for you guys,so you can be home SOON.
WITH Gerri, I have to clarify that after what happened w/us!

Jodi said...

Oh, and I LOVE the pony tails on Gerri~ my favorite so far :)

Kristin Ferguson said...

Love the laundry babushka! Great price, though. :)

Hope court days are given and you get yours right away!
